Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: April 3rd, 2015
- Author notification: April 20, 2015
- Camera-ready version: May 4, 2015
- Registration to Big Learning activity: TBD
- Big Learning activity period: TBD
- Workshop date: July 11-15, 2015
- Workshop Location: TBD
Workshop outline
We live in a time of unprecedented access to cheap and vast
amounts of computational resources, which is driving a big leap
forward in the fields of machine learning and data mining. Big
learning techniques allow us to tackle datasets of scales (be they
instances, attributes, classes, etc.) that were unimaginable some
years ago. We can also use these vast
computational resources to obtain more predictive features or to better understand our
machine learning methods, by performing large scale evaluations,
parameter sweeps, etc. We refer to the use of massive on-demand
computation (cloud or GPUs) for machine learning as Big Learning.
Evolutionary Machine Learning techniques remain good candidates for
Big Learning given their flexible representation, parallelism, and implicit variable selection techniques.
The overall objective of this workshop is to assess the state of the art in evolutionary computation methods for Big Learning, with special focus on feature extraction
and large datasets. To achieve this aim we make a call for speakers to present their big data/big learning methods at the workshop.
Call for papers
The topics covered by this workshop, within the scope of evolutionary
computation, are (but are not limited to):
- large-scale feature learning
- systems for large scale machine learning
- large ensemble learning in parallel
- parameter sweeps in parallel
- machine learning for high dimensional data
- learning many-class classification problems (extreme class problems)
- parallel cross-validation at scale
- adaptive learning algorithms and online parameter tuning
- Machine Learning for Big Data
- GPGPUs for Machine Learning
Authors are highly encouraged to demonstrate their approaches with
one (or more) of the following datasets:
Please submit your contributions by email to
Your contribution should be formatted according to the ACM
guidelines, in PDF format, and not exceed 8 pages. Unlike in the main GECCO
conference, papers do not need to be submitted in anonymized form.
Call for Big Learning activity participants
Ignacio Arnaldo:
Kalyan Veeramachaneni:
Una-May O'Reilly:
Jaume Bacardit: